Como funciona um diferencial | Toyota
Bloqueio do diferencial
Locking differential
"Electronically controlled limited slip differencial"...
Diferencial de deslizamento limitado controlado eletronicamente"...
Have you ever wondered what these terms actually mean?
Você já se perguntou o que esses termos realmente significam?
For that matter, have you ever wondered what a "differential" is to begin with?
Aliás, você já se perguntou o que é um "diferencial" para começar?
What a "differential" is to begin with?
O que é um "diferencial" para começar?
Toyota uses a variety of differentials in the vehicles across its lineup.
A Toyota usa uma variedade de diferenciais nos veículos de sua linha.
So let's find out a little more about what this component actually does - and what the differences are between various kinds.
Então, vamos descobrir um pouco mais sobre o que esse componente realmente faz - e quais são as diferenças entre vários tipos.
Lest's start at the top.
How do vehicles go around a curve ife their wheels are connected by and axle?
Whem making a turn, the outside wheels need to travel faster than the inside wheels, since they're covering a greater distance - a bigger ar.
This would be impossible if both sides were locked together on the same axle.
Whell, the answer lies in something called a differential.
Put simply, a diffential is cleverly designed central gearbox that allows both sides of an axle to rotate independently while still receiving power from a single power sourece, like an engine or electric motor.
As one of the most basic principles of automotive engineering, differentials can be found on every consumer vehicle available - including the entire Toyta line.
whithout them, going around every turn would be quite unpleasant due to the wheels constantly skipping.
Differentials can be found wherever they're needed to distribute power.
That means on front-wheel drive vehicles, located on the front axle-transmission, to be precise - while rear-whell drive vehicles have one on the rear axle.
And in the case of some full-time four-wheel and all-whell drive vehicles, not only are they needed for side-to-side independence on both acles, but also for front-to-rear feedom, using something called a center differential.
So now a differential solves on problem - but introduces a new one in the process.
Everything we've described so far has fallen under the "open" differential category, meaning both sides are completely free to rotate as they like.
So, now what if one of those wheels was resting on a patch of ice?
Well, thanks to that differential, the power will simply follow the path of least resistance.
In this case, that means going straight to that one on the ice and just spinning it-getting you nowhere.
So, now, we must find a way to ensure the power goes to the other side where there's traction.
Luckily, there's several ways to solve this, all of which can be found throughout the Toyta lineup, depending one which applicatin suits which model best.
For instance, there are mechanical solutions called limited-slip or locking differentials which, as the names imply, use mechanical means to either limit the amount of power going to each side - or even just lock them together entirely.
In addition, some Toyota models are equipped with electronicaly controlled systems than can achieve similar effects simply thorugh clever application of the brakes, - as well as "torque vectoring" electronic differential systems that actively manage the power output to each wheel, proactively sending power to the side that needs it - in some cases, that happens even before any slippage occurs.
All in all, differentials are a fascinating part of automotive desing that no only help vehicles go around curves, but can also help improve traction and stability in a wide range of situations.
Vocabulary - Vocabulário
Principais palavras encontradas no texto.
Inglês | Português |
Axle | Eixo |
Lock, to | Bloquer, trancar |
Slip, to | Escorregar |
Wonder, to | Imaginar, se perguntar |